Rick & Morty app

An interactive app showcase using the Rick and Morty API



The Rick & Morty app is designed to take full advantage of the Rick and Morty REST API, allowing users to fetch comprehensive information on characters, episodes, and locations from the popular TV series. Within the app, users have the flexibility to filter and search results, providing a tailored experience tailored to their preferences.
In terms of its architecture, the app adheres to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern, ensuring a clean and maintainable codebase. The app's user interface is a harmonious blend of SwiftUI and UIKit frameworks, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing experience for users across different devices and platforms. By leveraging the strengths of both SwiftUI and UIKit, the Rick & Morty app delivers a robust and engaging user experience that fans of the series will undoubtedly appreciate.



RoboChat source code can be viewed below: