The goal of this project was to recreate a precise clone of Apple's Stocks iOS app. It's displaying real-time stock price data and a basic summary a financial metrics. The customizable watchlist contains the ticker symbols, company names, price and price changes and a small price chart . The app also has a search functionality. By tapping on a ticker it displays the relatable news and a larger price chart with the fundamentals. The UI repliactes Apples design and supports dark and light mode.
Technologies used
Finnhub API
The Stocks app was written in Swift 5 and with some objective-C code. I used UIKit when creating the app. All the financial data, including the price stream is provided by Finnhub's Stocks API. Additional pod files were utilized when creating this product, including the 'Charts' pod and the 'FloatingPanel' pod.
Finnhub API
The Stocks app was created with the help of Afraz Siddiqui's course.
You can view my project's code here:
This Wordpress portfolio website was designed mainly with Elementor Pro and with some additional custom CSS code. The vector images and photos were created by me using Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.